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My Story

Discovering "The Emotion Code"


Discovering "The Emotion Code"

My passion for the best of the best in healing and life transformation recently let me to discover a technique I previously ignored. Although I had heard of ‘energy healing’, I hadn’t explored it much for myself. Honestly, I thought it would be off the deep end in the WOO WOO department.

When a conservative chiropractor friend posted about seeing his daughter healed and happy in a short amount of time, I became curious. He wasn’t the type of person to be posting about energy healing! He shared about a technique called The Emotion Code and how it resolved his baby girl’s crying as he and his wife released stuck emotions that she was experiencing.


I decided to read the book The Emotion Code by Dr. Bradley Nelson to investigate this further. Chapter after chapter resonated with me. Some things I already had great understanding of while others were totally foreign but very intriguing. Right away I started implementing the method of releasing trapped emotions in my own life and was amazed at the results. Before I knew it, I’d released my “Heart Wall” and was wondering, okay now what?

I was still having doubts as I went off to a conference hosted by Dr. Brad called, “Health, Wealth, and Relationships Seminar”. Reading about this was one thing, but experiencing Dr. Brad working on participants and seeing them healed was a whole other level. Witnessing this method in action on the stage as well as everyone practicing The Emotion Code around the room had me joyfully awestruck. My doubts melted away as I experienced breakthroughs in my own life and facilitated the same for others as well.

From there I decided to become certified in this amazing healing form. The online course combined with working on over 30 different lives further clarified that not only does this work, but it can bring powerful, positive change into people’s lives. I saw a variety of healings from reduced pain to a sinus cold disappearing to boldness to change careers.

My gratitude for this way of healing grows every day as I work with clients and hear of their breakthroughs. I could go on and on about what I’ve seen, but please don’t just read about it here. Sign up and experience a free first session for yourself!
