Foreword: "In Context" posts are to give greater understanding as to how Life Code Matrix can be applied.  Since I have a background in Christian missions work, I wanted to start by putting this program into this context.

"God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them." Gen. 1:27

Have you ever stopped to wonder, "How specifically am I created in God's image?" Seems like an important question that a follower of God would want to know. It also could be a key God would like us to discover too!

A current hot topic in the Christian community is "identity". There are lots of conversations happening about how we need to live from our identity in Christ as children of God (John 1:12). This is good truth, but it can leave one wondering, what are the specifics of that identity? A lot can be seen in Scripture that gives us an understanding of how to do that, but I haven't yet discovered a specific verse that says, "Julie Anna, you are uniquely made like Me in how you are ________." Even with all the speakers and preachers I've heard teach on "identity", I've left with a general understanding of what that means, but not application that's very unique to my own personal identity. The simple "Spiritual Gifts Test" just has not cut it for me with these deep questions of the heart.

Wouldn't it be great if you could discover the truth of how you're uniquely made in God's image? When you know how you're made in God's image, you can live connected to it!

Good news is that there is a way! This truth can be discovered through something so common that you use it every day, often subconsciously. It's through your 6 senses!

This concept may sound new, in that it's not been offered in a program form (until now), but it's actually as ancient as Adam and Eve. Let's take a little trip back to the garden...

When God decided to create man and woman in His image, He placed them in a garden. Every detail was prepared by their loving Father God so that they would awaken to an environment that revealed His character and nature to them. The smell of the flowers, the touch of the animals, the taste of the fruits, the sound of the birdsongs, and the sight of the amazing artistry in every part of the garden was sharing a sensory story of their Creator. This sense connection would have gone straight to the heart! No analysis or skepticism, just receiving a message of pure love and truth.

Our senses are one of the things we still have completely in common with Adam and Eve. Through the redemption that Christ bought for us, we can experience full justification and reconciliation to knowing God as Jesus did (Romans 5).  "This is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent," John 17:3.

Do you have any "red flags" coming up as I share about how your senses are leading you to know God more? It could be because of some concepts introduced by early church fathers that currently affect our Christian worldview today.

When doctrine and teaching was being developed for the early Christian church (100-600AD), a significant influence was gnosticism. A fundamental part of this perspective was that anything of the material world was evil and should be shunned. They believed that the created, natural world was bad and originally made by a lesser, evil god. This is not scriptural! "Now God saw all that He had made, and indeed, it was very good!" (Genesis 1:31)

"Central Gnostic beliefs that differ from orthodox Christian teachings include: the creator as a lower being and not a Supreme Deity; the belief that all matter is evil and the body is a prison to escape from; scripture having a deep, hidden meaning whose true message could only be understood through 'secret wisdom'; and Jesus as a spirit that 'seemed' to be human, leading to a rejection of the incarnation." (Wikipedia) These ideas have had a huge influence on modern-day Christianity. If you find yourself agreeing with any of these concepts, I suggest you go back and take a close look at Scripture, as this is not Biblical truth!

As a result of these writings and teachings, Christians were taught (and are still taught!) to reject anything to do with their senses. Musical instruments in church to glorify God were deemed evil. Martin Luther wrote, "The organ in the worship is the insignia of Baal… The Roman Catholic borrowed it from the Jews." To enjoy the taste of food would surely and immediately become gluttony. Savoring a fragrance would have been fleshly and animalistic. Delighting in the sight of a sunset or the beauty of a child would surely be carnal lust. And touch? Well, let's not even go there!

Let's again recall that God placed mankind in a garden as the original place to connect and dwell with Him on earth. Adam and Eve's experience there would have been receiving the maximum enjoyment of their senses. Throughout Scripture we see how God loves to speak through very natural elements - He created them!

  • "Taste and see that the LORD is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him!" (Psalm 24:8)
  • Jesus preformed miracles multiplying food and drink (John 2:1-11, 6:4-15) and so did His Father (Exodus 16:4, 17:5).
  • Every Jewish feast involved sensory connecting experiences: special foods, prayers or songs, and remembrance rituals. (Exodus 23:14-16, Leviticus 16:29, Leviticus 23). Jesus also said to eat bread and drink in remembrance of Him. (Luke 22:14-20, 1 Corinthians 23-26)
  • Song of Solomon - the whole book is a journey of the senses!
  • ...and I bet you can think of more Bible verses that celebrate the amazing ways we encounter God through our senses!

Another question may arise, "So are you saying we should totally indulge in our senses?" Yes! - in that you were created to enjoy God and life to the full! (John 10:10) This is not saying "make idols of your senses!" (Ephesians 4:18-19) We are to live connected to the true vine (Jesus) through the Spirit's leading. The truth is, "it was the Father's good pleasure for all the fullness to dwell in Him (Jesus), and through Him to reconcile all things to Himself, having made peace through the blood of His cross; through Him, I say, whether things on earth or things in heaven." (Colossians 1:19-20) Our senses and bodies have been reconciled and are made righteous through Christ!

Since our senses are leading us to know, enjoy and experience God more, let's not neglect this powerful, natural navigational system! God desires to bring us into greater truth and life in this way!  In the Bible David clearly encountered God like this, and the book of Psalms became a natural overflow of that experience. It gives new understanding to why Jesus would retreat to the wilderness to meet with His Father and how we naturally find ourselves needing that same restorative time. Our amazing Creator made us in His image and wants us to discover exactly what that means. As you connect to and embrace the very way He has made you, discoveries of strength, clarity, peace, and rooted identity will emerge!

There is an amazing program available that clearly reveals this beautiful strength in our senses called Life Code Matrix. It's only 2 sessions and is now available in the USA!

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